Tuesday 15 October 2013


Your task for today.

Preparing for Assignment 1a

Paste the 2 magazine covers in your books on separate pages in preparation for annotation around them.

Use the Media Terminology sheets to support your analysis of the 2 magazine front covers.

You must:
  • identify the key elements of a magazine front cover using the terminology sheet
  • describe the denotation
  • decide on the connotations
  • consider the representations of people, places or events
  • identify the likely audience for the magazine and explain why you think this
HW - type up and post onto your blog using SCRIBD.
If unable to do this you should email me with a word doc.

Below is an example of the preferred layout and approach to this task. Box out your annotations and BE CONCISE - don't waffle.

Magazine Terminology by MediaMassage

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