Wednesday 13 November 2013

Frog site - to help with revision

Click on the link above

Login to Frog using your school login - the one you use for windows.

If this doesn't work, try going to the virtual desktop through the school website, student portal and click the Frog button.

Please let me know by email if this doesn't work.

Audience Theory 2

Final preparations v3.pdf

Tuesday 15 October 2013


Your task for today.

Preparing for Assignment 1a

Paste the 2 magazine covers in your books on separate pages in preparation for annotation around them.

Use the Media Terminology sheets to support your analysis of the 2 magazine front covers.

You must:
  • identify the key elements of a magazine front cover using the terminology sheet
  • describe the denotation
  • decide on the connotations
  • consider the representations of people, places or events
  • identify the likely audience for the magazine and explain why you think this
HW - type up and post onto your blog using SCRIBD.
If unable to do this you should email me with a word doc.

Below is an example of the preferred layout and approach to this task. Box out your annotations and BE CONCISE - don't waffle.

Magazine Terminology by MediaMassage

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Wednesday P3&4

Please complete the tasks on the presentation above.

You are not allowed to use pens BUT you can use iMacs so as well as discussion about the ideas and theories please can you ensure that you complete the tasks as blog posts on your own blogs.

To create a collage, I suggest that you find images using google and past onto a word or pages document - don't choose teenagers.

Save this and then upload to SCRIBD 
Once on SCRIBD you can embed it in your blog by using copying the embed code and pasting it into a blog post (you must use the HTML tab on your post to do this).

If you don't have a SCRIBD account yet, follow the link below and create on BUT remember to write down your login and password details.

If you cannot do this - for whatever reason you can save the images to the desktop and upload them to a regular blog post.

Which ever way you choose you MUST write about the choices you made - connotations of each image.

HW - create a further collage on Teenagers

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Lesson 4 - Key Concepts

Some excellent work in class by many of you today. Well done. 

To help you with the HW you can try creating a document on word with a picture on it and you comment around and then using the following site to publish.


You upload to SCRIBD then copy the embed code.

Go back to your post and using HTML, paste the embed code into your post and publish.

Hey presto! You document should appear in a post. Just like mine. If you convert it to PDF first it is even more stable and can be read on any machine.

GCSE L4 Yr10 and XC

Thursday 5 September 2013

First Lesson

Please do the questionnaire below:

Once you have finished submit the form.

The go to the course handbook page above and begin to read about the course. There will be some questions on this for you to answer.

Monday 22 July 2013


Welcome to the Media Studies blog for GCSE 2013-15.

Here you will find useful information about the course and you will also become familiar with using the blog as your first place to go for revision, reviewing of lessons and resources.

You as a media student will need to create your own blog too and this will appear under the students blog section on the right of the screen.

On your first lesson in September we will be creating these blogs and getting used to using them in class.

To get you started read the handbook and look at some of the resources on the assignment pages. More will come soon.

Mr H